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At HeX HVAC, we're proud to be one of the most trusted names in home comfort and energy efficiency. Your home should reflect your needs and preferences, and we’re here to help you create the most comfortable and efficient living space possible using cutting-edge technology and techniques.


Our dedicated team of engineers and technicians is always exploring new ways to make our HVAC services more efficient and user-friendly. We want you to have the best experience possible. Not only do we offer competitive prices, but we also help you save on your monthly energy bills.


With over a decade of experience in residential HVAC and light commercial services, we focus on designing the perfect heating and cooling solutions that reduce energy consumption while delivering the comfort you desire.

Discover our latest articles packed with tips and advice on how to enhance your home's HEATING and COOLING systems.

  UV-C technology is a powerful tool that can be incorporated into HVAC Ductwork systems to disinfect the air and ductwork surfaces. UV-C lights emit a specific wavelength that is effective
Investing in a high-efficiency AC unit can have significant benefits for homeowners. While they may be more expensive upfront, these units offer long-term savings and improved comfort in the home.
Benefits of regular heating maintenance Regular maintenance ensures optimal efficiency and energy consumption, leading to reduced utility bills. Well-maintained components prevent the heating system from working harder than necessary. Proper
Choosing the right home heating system is essential for maintaining a warm and comfortable home during the colder months. It not only affects your comfort but also has an impact
As homeowners look for more efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly cooling solutions, ductless air conditioning systems are becoming increasingly popular. With numerous advantages over traditional central air conditioning, it's no
Ductless mini-split systems have become increasingly popular because of their energy efficiency, versatility, and simple installation process. These systems eliminate the need for ductwork, making them a great option for
Homeowners need to be vigilant when it comes to their heat pump's performance. There are a few signs that indicate a possible dependency on emergency heat: Frequent cycling on and

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